
The information contained in this website is published by Relevate Ventures Ltd (“RVL”) for private reference purposes. This site is principally designed for and aimed for persons in the UK and is not aimed at any jurisdiction where its publication requires authorisation from a competent authority. This information is not to be shared, distributed or otherwise used, for any other purpose or by any other individual, organisation, company or business entity, without the prior written consent of RVL. 

RVL makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the fairness, accuracy, completeness or correctness of such information, nor does RVL or any of its affiliates accept any liability arising from its use. Opinions, estimates and projections in this document constitute the current judgment of RVL and are subject to change without notice. RVL is not obligated to update, modify or amend this document or to notify a recipient of this document if any matter stated herein, or any opinion, projection, forecast or estimate set forth herein, changes or subsequently becomes inaccurate. No person has been authorised to give any information or make any representations not contained herein.

Nothing on this website shall amount to an offer to sell any investment or a solicitation of offers to buy any such investment. Any loan offer to companies is subject to a complete offering material (“Term Sheet”) which contains significant additional information about the terms and risks of the loan and shall supersede the information contained herein in its entirety.  RVL does not offer any loan on this website; any Term Sheets issued are done so by third parties. 

RVL is an introducer of high net-worth sophisticated investors to small enterprise companies. RVL does not carry out any regulated activities and is not authorised‍. Where any such activity requires a competent license, RVL will rely on its associates Merlin Partners LLP, a firm that it is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.